Harry Potter - Magical Creatures

The Department for the Regulation and Control for Magical Creatures has given a danger rating for each type of creature. This is to show the reader an At-A-Glance bit of knowledge for the specific beast being or spirit, and to know of its true danger. There are five categories in total, which are listed below.

XXXXX - Known as a wizard killer, it is impossible to domesticate or train this type of creature.
XXXX - Only should a skilled wizard handle this creature. Requires specialist knowledge, as this creature is still in its nature, very dangerous.
XXX - Strong wizard can cope with this type of creature.
XX - Can be domesticated and trained.
X - Boring

The M.O.M provides these guidelines for the safety of wizards and witches. To go against these guidelines in circumstances which you are not able or educated enough, would be putting yourself at risk and the M.O.M will not accept any complaints and cannot accept responsibility for any; broken bones, mentality, disability, or any other form of mishap.


Description: 8 eyed spider capable of human speech.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: This type of creature forms when a fire is left to burn for too long. This thin pale-grey serpent will live for only one hour and finds a dark spot, in which it lays eggs which give off intense heat, eventually they will ignite and burn, causing them to hatch.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Name: AUGUREY (A.K.A Irish Phoenix)
Description: Greenish black coloured, looks similar to a vulture. Is a native bird found in Britain and Ireland, sometimes found in northern Europe. The bird itself looks mournful and shy.
M.O.M Classification: XX

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Description: Green serpent, can reach up to 50 feet long. It has exceptional venomous fans, but its main danger is its eyes. A reflection of a Basilisk eye can leave you Petrified, but direct contact causes instant death.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: An insect that is native to Australia. Its speed is so fast that most smuggles or wizards won't recognise it, until they are stung. Grows up to a inch long.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: Tree-guardian creature found mainly on the west of England, southern Germany and certain Scandinavian forests. Said to be made of bark and twigs with two brown eyes, very hard to spot and grows up to eight inches in height. If it thinks its home is in danger, it has been known to gouge the intruders eyes out. Some woodlice is a good distraction to keep the creature away, while the intruder collects what it came for.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: They are known to muggles and the wizarding world. These pests will infest houses and are very good at sneaking under floorboards and behind skirting boards. It is recognised by its foul smell of decay.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

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Description: Has a human head and the body of a horse. Its colour varies among several. Judging by its vocabulary and intelligence, it shouldn't really be called a 'beast' but by its own request, the M.O.M has declared it a beast.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX (It is not really aggressive but needs to be treated with high respect)

Description: Rare Greek monster which has a lion's head. Vicious and bloodthirsty, this creature is extremely dangerous and will kill. Chimaera eggs are classified as Grade A Non Tradable Goods.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: Crab like creatures with fangs. These parasites grow up to a twentieth of an inch. Attracted by magic. In the absence of magic, CHIZPURFLE'S have been known to be attracted by electrical items.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: In appearance, looks like a monkey crossed with a frog. A tree-dwelling creature.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Name: CRUP
Description: Looks almost like a Jack Russell dog, the only difference is it's forked tail. Originating in the southeast of England, the Crup is almost certainly a wizard-created dog, judging by the fact that it shows 'aggression' towards muggles, yet by its actions, fond of wizards.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

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Description: Located in the far east, the Demiguise is incredibly hard to find, as it will turn itself invisible if it feels threatened.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: The plump-bodied flightless bird originated in the Mauritius. It is noticed for its ability to escape danger. It vanishes and then appears elsewhere. With this incredible ability, muggles have been led to think they have hunted it to extinction, ha ha they we're wrong.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Name: DOXY
Description: Firry-looking like, the Doxy has an extra pair of arms and legs. The Doxy will bite in times of danger, a proper antidote should be administered immediately if this should happen.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: Well, most muggles know of a dragon and certainly wizards and witches. It's probably the most famous magical creature and should only be approached if necessary by a skilled wizard. The female Dragon is usually larger than the male and is nearly always shows more aggression.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: A Native of New Zealand, said to be the most beautiful of Dragons. Its favourite food is sheep and even at that, it will only kill when it's hungry. This type of dragon is not particularly aggressive.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: With a fringe of golden spikes, and an explosion of flames when it's angry, the Chinese fireball is the only oriental dragon. The Fireball itself is quite an aggressive animal, but it is more tolerant with its own species, rather than other dragons. It feeds on mammals, mostly pigs, one of its favourites is a human.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: The dragon is camouflaged with the grass around its homeland. These tend to nest up in the hills where a reservation has been established for its preservation. It lays dark brown eggs with spots of green, its roar is easily recognised and this dragon is not troublesome, it prefers to feed on sheep rather than humans unless provoked.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: The dragon is more aggressive than its welsh counterpart. This rough scaled dragon requires plenty of room, it has brilliant green eyes, it hunts deer mostly but has been known to eat cattle and large dogs. The great fact about this dragon is that its flame of fire is the longest and ranges up to fifty feet!
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: One of the rarest of breeds. The dragon is more aggressive to its own type and looks like a Horntail. This dragon will feed on large mammals and strangely, water-dwelling creatures. Ridgeback eggs are black.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: The smallest of dragons known to wizards. Copper-coloured with venomous fangs. Is happy to feed on cows and goats at any time, it did however take a liking for humans in the nineteenth century, so the International Confederation Of Wizards was forced to come in and exterminate some dragons to cut down on the ever growing numbers.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: Green scales and long golden horns the Romanian Longhorn's territory has become the worlds most important dragon reservation. This is because of the falling numbers, they are hunted for their horns which have now become Class B Tradable Material.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: A silvery-blue dragon. It prefers to live 'wild', up in the mountainous areas. Its skin is used for protective gloves and shields. The flame that comes from within it, has a blue colour to it.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: This dragon is sort of 'special' in a way as it is the largest breed known. Red eyes and grey scales. The dragon is slower at fighting than a few others, but is still extremely dangerous.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: The creature lives in marshes, and it is found in Europe, North and South America. It has very sharp teeth and if your not observant enough, it will appear to look like a piece of wood while stationary. It feeds mostly on smaller mammals. Can cause severe damage to humans, especially around the ankle area. It takes a particular liking to Mandrake's, being its favourite food. Thought of as a pest to Mandrake-Growers.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

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Description: It has been known to entrance children with its high pitched cackle, the Erkling originated in the Black Forest, situated in Germany. It is very elf looking and is larger than an ordinary garden gnome.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: Weighing up to a tonne, the Erumpent is a large African creature. From a distance it looks almost like a rhinoceros. It isn't aggressive and will not attack unless provoked. Its horn contain a poisonous substance, which will cause anything that is injected to explode. Once it starts to charge, there isn't any hope for the pre-victim.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

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Description: It has little intelligence, and is conjured by wizards usually just for decoration. It's often found in woodland. It ranges from one to five inches in height, it has small arms legs and head, its wings can be transparent or multi collared depending on the type. Its magic is week and is only used in circumstances when one requires self-defence.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: Looks very similar to a large tortoise. It too has its own preservation, which is a stretch of coast. The shell that it occupies may tempt muggles and wizards alike, as it is worth allot of money. Its defence? It shoots fire out of its rear end when it thinks it is in danger. These creatures can be domesticated but require a specific license.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: Lives in damp moistly ditches. It's a large worm that can grow up to ten inches. It prefers lettuce out of all the vegetation it eats.
M.O.M Classification: X

Description: Its a provider for quills, and posh quills at that. It's an African bird that comes in a range of colours. Green yellow orange or pink to be precise. Its defence mechanism involves singing a song which eventually drives the listener to insanity.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

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Description: Not exactly the best looking of all magical creatures, though ugly it isn't all that dangerous. It occupies attics or barns owned by wizards, and resembles a buck-toothed ogre. The most harm it can cause is to growl at someone who unluckily comes across it. It often groans and throws things around.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: It is found across northern Europe. This grey bodied creature produces melancholy-inducing treacle. They can be considered a pest as they infest bee hives, which causes major disasters for the honey industry. They feed on nettles and nest in the dark places like caves and hollow trees.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: A command garden pest found throughout North America and northern Europe. Its body is out of proportion, its head is too big and it has bony feet, it grows maybe up to a foot. The most popular form of removing a gnome from a garden is to pick it up, spin it around until dizzy, and then through it over a garden wall. In some cases, certain people like to use a Jarvey, but many wizards find this method of control too brutal.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: Found in mountainous areas across Europe. It's large and is a purpley grey colour. It has very large horns and big feet, it's extremely aggressive. It is quite command to see a mountain troll covered in Graphorn scars.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: Has the front legs and head of an eagle, but it has the body and legs of a lion. These are vicious creatures and are often employed by wizards to guard treasure, they feed on raw meat.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: A pale green water demon. It is found throughout lakes in Britain and Ireland. It acts with aggression towards muggles and wizards alike, but merpeople have been known to domesticate it. Grindylows have long fingers with a good grip, but are easy to snap.
M.O.M Classification: XX

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Description: It has the tale and hindquarters of a giant fish, and the head of a horse and it originated in Greece. Its homeland is in the Mediterranean Sea. It Lays large eggs.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: Originally native to Europe, now world-wide. It has the head of a giant eagle and the body of a horse, and large beating wings. The Hippogriff is a very proud creature and it would be best not too insult. Eye contact needs to be kept while approaching a Hippogriff. To bow would leave you with a better chance of not getting hurt basically.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: It looks like a pink mushroom with black bristles. It is widespread throughout northern Europe. It will cover an average sized garden in about 2 or 3 days. It spreads its tentacles around the garden looking for food. Its a Gnomes favourite, and apart from that it has no use.
M.O.M Classification: X

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Name: IMP
Description: It is found across Britain and Ireland and looks very similar to a pixie. Grows up to around 6-8 inches and feeds on small insects. It cannot fly, and for amusement it likes to trip and push things. The babied Imp's are hatched fully grown around an inch.
M.O.M Classification: XX

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Description: Occupying North America, Ireland and Britain, it's slightly mischievous as it will come out with rude phrases, as it has the ability to talk. It looks like an overgrown ferret. It will feed on voles, moles and rats. Most Jarveys live below ground level.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: Found in northern Europe and America, it's a tiny blue bird. It feeds on small insects, it's completely silent all of its life until death, when it lets out a long scream, made up of all the sounds it heard in its life. Its feathers are useful for memory potions.
M.O.M Classification: XX

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Description: Japanese water demon found in ponds and in rivers. Has a hollow in the top of its head which contains water, it looks similar to a monkey, but has fish scales instead of fur. The cleverer mind will fool it into bowing, which will make the water leak out and hence, it will be deprived of energy. A person could quite easily pesuade it not to harm them by throwing a cucumber at it with their name on it. It feeds only on human blood.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: It can transform into a variety of shapes and it occupies British and Irish waters. One of its favoured transformations is a sea horse, the largest Kelpie on record is found in Loch Ness, which is in Scotland. The International Confederation noticed that it wasn't a serpent when it changed into an Otter.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: Exported world-wide. It looks like a cat and has spotted fur, large ears and a tail like a Lion. It is an independent, intelligent creature, capable of aggression which it shows occasionally. Great pet, if it likes you! It can be relied upon to guide its owner home if they should get lost. A kneazle requires a license for legal ownership.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

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Description: More intelligent but less malicious than the Fairy or Imp, but still mischievous. It is green and grows up to six inches. It has the ability to speak, but so far it has not requested classification as a 'Being'. They produce a gold substance which disappears after a few hours to their amusement. They eat leaves.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: It is found in tropical climates, and is quite rare. It wears a cloak, thicker than the average. It also widens just after it has eaten. It glides around during night time hours. The latest account was written by Flavius Belby, who was fortunate to survive an attack in 1782 whilst on holiday in Papua, New Guinea. The only spell known to repel a Lethifold is the Patronus. It attacks the sleeping hence it enters the house, suffocates the victim there and then then exits slightly fatter.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: It has a venom sack and is found at the bottom of the North Sea. When this simple sea creature feels threatened, it will blast poison at the attacker. Some wizards extract the poison for use in potions, but there a strict rules and precautions. The Lobalug is ten inches long.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

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Description: Found on rocky coastlines across Europe, and looks like a lobster, though under no circumstances should it be eaten as it is unsuitable for human consumption. The consequences of eating a Malaclaw result in a high fever. It's a light grey colour with green spots on it, and grows up to twelve inches. It eats small crustaceans, and will try to eat larger prey, though it is likely to be unsuccessful. It's a bite is annoying if your gambler, as it makes the victim unlucky for a period of about one week.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: It is a very dangerous and rare Greek beast with the body of a man and head of a lion. It also has a scorpion tail. Its sting causes death....instantly, and its skin is known to repels most charms.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: They are existent throughout the planet. The oldest Merpeople we're from Greece. They contract habitats and speak Merit, their language. They like being called 'Beasts' instead of 'Beings'.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Name: MOKE
Description: A silver-green lizard. Found throughout the United Kingdom and the rest of Ireland. It is unknown by Muggles, as it has the ability to shrink when it wants. Their skin will contract if a stranger approaches. Purses and bags ect have therefore been made from Make-Skin, the skin still contracts (even though absent from its body) when a stranger approaches, making it hard to steal for a thief.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: It comes out of its burrow at midnight, it has a pale grey colour, and is very shy. It has four legs, four fat feet and some eyes on top of its head. They perform complex dances in the moonlight on their hind legs. Its dung becomes useful on flower beds as it makes them grow real fast, but it has to be done before morning. There are very entertaining to watch.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: The Mortal is a rodent-like creature. It is found on the coast of Britain. It has stuff growing on its back which resembles a sea anemone.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

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Description: The Muffler is a British, fluffy black dog with a long snout. These creatures can be calm and nice, though they can be very destructive and it is strongly advisable that they shouldn't be kept in a house. They produce 6-8 young in a litter.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: These demons are found in rural areas across the whole of Europe. They also are relatives of Russia and America. They have black eyes and resemble piglets. They are very fast, hard to catch. If they are chased by a white dog beyond the boundaries of the farm they are at, then they will never return.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: This is said to be the most dangerous magical creature in the world. It is east African, and its breath is a poisonous gas which could wipe a whole village at a time. It still hasn't be subdued, not even by a hundred skilled wizards working together. It is a leopard like creature and is exceptionally dangerous, you should never approach one.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

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Description: It could reach up to a length of 15 feet, it has two legs and wings, feeding on rats and birds. Its eggs are made of pure silver, and it is aggressive to anyone who approaches it, or its eggs.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

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Name: Phoenix
Description: This bird is a fascinating creature, it is swan like with a tail, and a golden beak. It cries when it is sad, and eventually after...('all tell you at the end). It is found nesting in China, Egypt and India. It lives to a very old age, and can carry immensely heavy loads. It only eats herbs and is extremely gentle, it is not known to kill. Once it dies, it will burst into flame and be reborn from its ashes. Making this creature amazing.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: It's a blueish colour, and is found in Cornwall, in England. Enjoys jokes, it's very mischievous and sneaky. It has the ability to fly and has been known to pick humans up, transport them, and deposit them elsewhere, so be wary. They communicate using a high pitched noise.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: This water creature is rounded. It is noticed for its long arms which it uses to paddle along lakes. It will search for food at the bottom, and its favourite food is the water snake. It is considered a pest to merpeople, they tie its legs in a knot, then it drifts away and won't come back till it has untied itself, which can take hours.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: It is below a foot in height and is a Russian demon. It has an oversized head and a hairy body. They find themselves attached to humans and enjoy tailing them. When it crouches, it resembles a round shiny rock.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Descriptions: It's a horse guardian found in Dorset, England and southern Ireland. It has a very large nose and allot of hair on its back. Ew. Its arms are small, and fingers remain at the end. Its only purpose is to guard horses, and it's extremely shy.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: A spherical shaped creature, it has a custard yellow colour fur and is found worldwide. It loves to be hugged and thrown about. It's very easy to look after this creature. It's a highly popular wizard pet and finds most of its fame with children.
M.O.M Classification: XX

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Description: A highly dangerous beast, finding its favourite taste, the human. Its body is covered with thick reddish hair, and it has five legs each ending with a club foot. It is only found on the north most tip of Scotland.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

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Description: A silver fish from the Indian Ocean. It can anchor ships, and is highly valued by The International Confederation of wizards, so many laws have been passed protecting it from wizard poachers.
M.O.M Classification: XX

Description: A dwarf-like creature that lives in the ground, where ever human blood has been spilt, for egg. Battlefields. They are extremely dangerous, especially to muggles as they will bludgeon them to death on dark nights.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Name: RE'EM
Description: An extremely rare giant oxen. These creatures are found in North America and the far east. Its blood provides the drinker with a great lot of strength.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: It originated in a small African country. It reaches up to a length of six to seven feet. It is orange with black stripes and is very easy to spot, so forests have been designated for the sole use of Runespoor's. It is a serpent-like creature with 3 heads instead of one.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

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Description: It's a fire-dwelling lizard that feeds on flame, it is clear white until hot, which it then can appear another colour. They can survive being without fire for six hours, if repeatedly fed pepper.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: These are found in the Pacific, Atlantic and Mediterranean seas. They look vicious in appearance, but have never been known to harm a human. It has the head of a horse and body of a snake and reaches up to 100 feet.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: It's found in the Atlantic, and is covered in spines. It's not aggressive usually.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

Description: This is a protected species of bird. It's extremely rare and is golden coloured. It is completely round and has a sparkling beak. Its eyes and feathers eye so voluble that at one time, it was nearly hunted to extinction for these. Snidget sanctuaries exist world wide.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: It is Egyptian, has a human head and a lions body. It has been used for thousands of years to protect hideaways. It is very intelligent and takes great pleasure in puzzles.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: On an hourly basis, this creature changes colour. It is a snail and it leaves a trail of slime so venomous that it kills the very vegetation that is passes over. It is native to many African countries.
M.O.M Classification: XXX

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Name: TEBO
Description: It's an ash coloured warthog, it inhabits Congo and Zaire. It has the power of invisibility and it's extremely dangerous. It supplies wizards with protective clothing.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Description: Dozy. It weighs over a tonne and can reach 12 feet. It is very violent and an unpredictable creature. They originated in Scandinavia. They have been known to speak a few human words.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

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Description: It's a very pretty beast found throughout forests in Northern Europe. They are extremely beautiful and there blood is worth life. It makes the drinker immortal. It is white, and has to horns. It is extremely hard to catch because it is so fast, It is more likely to trust a witch more than a wizard for reasons unknown.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

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Description: It is found world wide and is believed to have originated in Northern Europe. Perfectly normal humans will turn into a Werewolf if bitten. Once a month at a full moon, the human will transform into a Werewolf for the night. It seeks human as prey.
M.O.M Classification: XXXXX

Description: They exist world wide and are extremely dangerous. There are many different breeds and at least each one has its own speciality. It has, like some others, the ability to become invisible.
M.O.M Classification: XX-XXXX

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Name: YETI
Description: It is a native of Tibet. It is meant to be related to the troll, though no-one hasn't got quite close enough yet to perform special tests to prove it actually is. It grows up to fifteen feet in height, and is covered in white hair. It can be repulsed by skilled wizards and one of its fear is fire.
M.O.M Classification: XXXX

Source: harrypotterfanzone.com


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